Hi Darlings!
I thought I'd do a quick little blog about these adorable heels! You'll know I love me some barbie pink and sexy stripper heels *laughs as I show them all off*
In all honesty today I wanted to talk about love.
Love doesn't come easy and it's not something you can buy, bribe, fake or something you can chase.
Real love is genuine. Yes there are people out there who don't treat love the way it is in it's purest form but I wanted to say to you don't let that turn you to stone.
Love is all around you. I know that because, I found mine when I took a step back from chasing the one person in my life who could never ever truly love me back and leaned on the ones who did. My life is beautiful, Yours can be too. Life is so worth living and allowing your heart to sore will send you thousand of miles and skies above anyone who tells you different.
I spent so many years afraid of it, sheltering myself and letting others dictate who I'm allowed to be and what emotions I'm allowed to feel. But in light of all of it. I was able to find myself and see the better person I was meant to become.
Just because someone tells you you need to stay down and stay small to keep them happy or from leaving you. I'll tell you now that's crap RUN GIRL RUN!
First and foremost learn to love yourself, Allow the shy friend or the family member who drops everything the moment you're down and runs to you with open arms, the people who adore you and fight for you as much as you'd do for them and yourself. Allow them to be your new best friend, your family and finally allow yourself to be your own best friend and to be peaceful, pleasant and light!
You can do it! Get inspired, go out once in awhile, do what makes you smile feel proud and accomplished and choose to share all the best and sad moments in both lives with ones who bring you up and don't tear you down!
Allow yourself to rise up to your full potential. Love the people around you in life who bring you joy. Shine positivity and don't ever change who you are because someone says you have to YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CHANGE WHO YOU ARE!
Life isn't always perfect but it's worth living and I truly hope that maybe not now but one day you read this post and it opens your eyes to the world outside.
Catch the enchanting parts in life and release the poor. Because we all know At the end of the day love isn't cheap ♥
~I love you all so much and I send all my support, hugs and love
Xoxo - Vena
Shoes: ALTAIR* bell geta .pink. (gold bells)
Photography Set:
+Half-Deer+ Soiree Curtains - White Gold Dots - Tied
Pose: an lar [poses] The Tara Mini Series - Three {Free Group Gift @~Tres Chic~}
Pose: an lar [poses] The Tara Mini Series - Three {Free Group Gift @~Tres Chic~}
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